Clamping Plates for Drive Technology
Drive technology deals with the movement of masses. This means that not only high compressive or tensile forces act on the platens. Above all, the test rig must be able to absorb the strong vibrations emanating from the running drive system. STOLLE clamping plates are designed precisely to meet this challenge. With numerous visible and invisible features, the clamping plates from STOLLE offer the perfect addition to any test bench in drive technology.
Requirements for clamping plates for drivetechnology
Wherever an actuator is to be set into a rotating or linear motion, a drive comes into play. These are always characterized by high and alternating vibrations. In the worst case, the vibrations reach the resonance range, which has a particularly damaging effect on all installed components. Here, the drive system requires solutions that reliably decouple from these frequencies without jeopardizing the precision of the arrangement.